Home Office Tips: How To Manage Your Day


15th June 2020

2 Minutes

While working from home, organising your day is the best way to be more productive.

#1. Create a central base to manage your busy schedule

The trick to making a busy schedule work is to put it all in one place first. Get yourself a planner and make it the exclusive place for writing down everything that’s going on.

Highlight key times and dates with Post-it® Index to help you keep an eye on your most important commitments. Then, add key details with Post-it® Page Markers, which give you plenty of room if you’ve just got a lot to remember. With a little extra help from Post-it® Products, your planner will help you to see everything at first glance, so you can keep the bigger picture while staying on top of every minor detail

#2. Focus on the Must Do of the day

When you’re planning your day, your first instinct might be to reach for your calendar, a large sheet of lined notebook paper or your smartphone. We suggest starting small – with a single Post-it® Note.
Start with a spiral notebook, a pack of multi-coloured Post-it® Notes, a pack of Post-it® Strong Index, a notebook and pen
– Set up two facing pages for each category you need organized
– Write down MUST DO TODAY items you want to get done, each on their own Post-it® Note, and place them on the left side.
– If it doesn’t fall into the MUST DO TODAY category, the item goes on the right side.
– Once you’ve accomplished a task, simply toss your note in the closest recycling bin. Out of sight. Out of mind.
-Your mission is to be looking at an empty page by the end of the day.

#3. Remind yourself to stick to your appointments

Keeping your calendar organised and accurate is all well and good, but it counts for little if you don’t actually follow it. Remind yourself to stick to your appointments with Post-it® Super Sticky Notes 76mm x 76mm. Leave them in key places where they won’t be missed.
Try writing your most important schedule items on Post-it® Super Sticky Notes the night before, then stick them where they’re most likely to remind you of your commitments the following day. It might be on your laptop, your mirror, or the front door — whatever it takes.

#4. Prep for tomorrow before today ends

Ensure tomorrow is productive even before it begins. Use the last 15 minutes of the workday to make a to-do list for tomorrow

Need to stock up on Post-it® Notes? Click here to view our range at Staples UK!

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