Cabinet vs Cloud – Are Digital Files Safer than Paper?

Cabinet vs Cloud – Are Digital Files Safer than Paper?

18th May 2020

3 Minutes

An office environment has constant data turnaround – important data that needs to be stored securely. In the modern office space, many company records and files are stored digitally, but the most secure option is having a mixture of both physical and electronic storage. While digital storage provides a secure space-saving option, some paperwork is just too important to store exclusively on the cloud.

Find out the pros and cons of both types of storage solution and how you should plan to implement both in your workspace.

Advantages of Paper Records

When it comes to storing physical paperwork, a good filing system is essential. There are some documents that you must have physical back-ups of. The advantages of paper records include:

  • Saving costs: if you work with a small workforce (under 10 employees), signing up to server solutions can be an unwise financial decision. A filing cabinet is inexpensive, and for a small company means less financial implications in the long-term.
  • Avoid tech issues: one of the biggest advantages of paper records is not having to encounter technology malfunctions and cyber-attacks. These can often lead to businesses being unable to work, and in turn, leads to financial distress.

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Advantages of electronic records 

Digital storage has its benefits too, including being a good option for less important paperwork and company data. The advantages of electronic records include:

  • Space: one of the advantages of electronic records is the ability to store more documents and files without taking up too much office space. Particularly with larger companies, storing paper records can be space consuming. Save file cabinet storage for important records and store other content on a server.
  • Security: there is a multitude of security software and applications that can protect your technology. It’s also easier to store backups of files, so if your paper records are damaged, you know your electronic files are safe.
  • Flexibility: another advantage of moving from paper to electronic records means that your employees can work remotely. Digital documents can be accessed from anywhere, and with a secure VPN in place, it gives your employees the flexibility to work wherever they want.

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Moving from paper to electronic records

If you want to transfer some of your company paperwork to the cloud to save on space, follow the guide below. Remember though, important documents such as employee information and tax records are best stored securely in a robust filing system.

  1. Organise your paper documents and files into a cabinet system. Separate files that can be stored digitally to make the process of moving online smoother.
  2. Research and seek professional advice in choosing the best software and applications suited to your business size/type.
  3. Book training courses for you and your employees to learn more about the technology you will be using, making the process of moving from paper to electronic records smoother.
  4. Not everything needs to be stored online. Meeting notes, ideas from a session – these can all be stowed away safely in the office cabinet space.
  5. Make sure your employees are aware of what files are best kept as hard copies and what files are best stored digitally. Guides and handbooks will help your employees during the transition period.

It’s clear that when it comes to paper vs digital, there is no right answer. Both have their advantages, and both are a vital part of the office eco-system. A combination of both is the best way to take advantage of their benefits.

Find out more about the best office solutions for you by reading our buyer’s guides.

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