The power of MEETSPACE

The power of MEETSPACE

Spaces are about people. People that inhabit and use a place have a huge effect on it, but it’s also the space itself that has a bigger effect than you might expect on how the people feel, interact and relate among one another. At Staples, we believe better space...
The power of BREAKSPACE

The power of BREAKSPACE

The spaces we inhabit shape who we are and the people we have the potential to become. They have the power to influence our energy levels and our moods, and when they’re put together right, they can motivate and get us going—or, alternatively, help us wind down and...
How to properly clean your workspace

How to properly clean your workspace

Your desk is where you get work done, but if it’s not clean it could be hurting your productivity. Desks can harbour dirt and germs that can make you sick or damage your equipment. Yet only a third of us clean them regularly, and one in ten don’t clean them all—you...
Coffee Breaks: The New Milk and Cookies

Coffee Breaks: The New Milk and Cookies

Every kid needs a snack break to make it through the day. But while milk and cookies work for the classroom, the office requires something a little stronger. Here’s why the benefits of coffee combined with the science behind taking social breaks makes the humble...